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General Information
DATES: July 19-20, 2025
SITE: Southeast Community College, Lincoln
SANCTION: All games in OPEN will be rated by the United States Chess Federation. USCF membership IS required for the Open event. USCF membership is NOT required for other events.
RULES: USCF tournament rules will be used. Half point byes will be available for the first half of the tournament upon request. Byes in the last half of the tournament will be available only for emergencies. Ratings based on most recent published ratings.
All Open section players must be current USCF members.
The other sections will be unrated and no USCF membership will be required.
Section Date Start Time
Open Saturday & Sunday Rd 1: 9am; Rd 2: 1:30pm; Rd 3: 6:30pm; Rd 4: 9am; Rd 5: 1:30pm
Reserve Saturday Rd 1: 8:45am; Rd 2: 11am; Rd 3: 1:30pm; Rd 4: 3:45pm; Rd 5: 6:30pm
Junior Saturday 11am.*
Scholastic Saturday Noon*
*Succeeding rounds start 15 minutes after completion of the preceding round.
EQUIPMENT: Chess sets and boards will be provided for Junior and Scholastic sections. Open and Reserve players must bring their own. A limited number of chess sets and chess clocks may be available.
AWARDS: Custom Cornhusker State Games gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each section. Sections are Open, Open U1800, Open U1600, Reserve Class B/C, Reserve Class D, Reserve Class E & Below (Rated under 1200), Reserve Unrated, Junior (Under age 19), Scholastic (Under age 13) Class E (Rated 1199-1000), Scholastic Class F (Rated 800-999), Scholastic Class G (Rated 600-799), Scholastic Class H (Rated 400-599), Scholastic Class I (Rated under 400) and Scholastic Unrated. There will be an Upset Trophy. Additional categories and medals may be added based on number of entries.
NOTE: Age determined as of July 18, 2025.
Event Name
Open | U 1800
Open | U 1600
Reserve | Class B/C
Reserve | Class D
Reserve | Class E & Below (U 1200)
Reserve | Unrated
Junior (Under 19 Years)
Scholastic | Class E (Rated 1000-1199)
Scholastic | Class F (Rated 800-999)
Scholastic | Class G (Rated 600-799)
Scholastic | Class H (Rated 400-599)
Scholastic | Class I (Rated U 400)
Scholastic | Unrated
*Tournament Director may move a player into a more appropriate section based on current rating
Competition Format
Use event code to indicate approximate USCF rating (actual ratings as of the latest rating supplement will be used). If this is your first USCF rated chess tournament, you are unrated. In a Swiss System, winners play winners, losers play losers. There is no elimination.
Open: Five-round Swiss System. Time Control: G 120, d5. Each player has 120 minutes to complete his/her moves. Clock does not start (delay) for 5 seconds per move. Each game could require up to 4 hours.
Reserve: Five-round Swiss System. Time Control: Game 60, d5. Under 1800. Each player has 60 minutes to complete his/her moves. Clock does not start (delay) for 5 seconds per move. Each game could require two hours.
Junior: Four-round Swiss System. Time Control: Game 40, d5. Under age 19. Each player has 40 minutes to complete his/her moves. Clock does not start (delay) for 5 seconds per move added on. Each game could require one hour and twenty minutes.
Scholastic: Five-round Swiss System. Time Control: Game 30, d5. Under age 13 and rated under 1200. Each player has 30 minutes to complete his/her moves. Each game could require one hour.
Registration Fees & Deadlines
Exciting News for 2025! Exclusive Online Apparel Store!
- Purchase official gear for the 2025 Cornhusker State Games via the online apparel shop HERE.
- All apparel will be shipped directly to you, so you can rock your official gear in style!
- No packet pickup required – competition info and items will be available onsite or online with details sent straight to your inbox.
Get ready to gear up and represent the 2025 Cornhusker State Games!
Open: $30 for first event until February 19
$35 for first event until April 23
$40 for first event until FINAL DEADLINE on July 2
$30 for first event until April 23
$35 for first event until FINAL DEADLINE on July 2
$20 for first event until April 23
$25 for first event until FINAL DEADLINE on July 2
ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Competition and Summer Fun Freebies (coming soon) courtesy of our sponsors.
PAPER ENTRY FORMS: Paper entry forms will be accepted with a $5 processing fee. Registering online saves time, money and trees.
Further Information
Sport Specific Questions: Contact Chess Director Michael D. Gooch at 402-850-3618 or mdgooch22@gmail.com. Visit the Nebraska State Chess Association website: http://www.nebraskachess.com/nsca/index.nsca.
Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Cornhusker State Games office at 402-471-2544 or info@nebraskasportscouncil.com.
Phone: 402-471-2544
Mailing address:
PO Box 29366
Lincoln, NE 68529
Shipping address:
7620 N 70th
Lincoln, NE 68517