2025 Registration Opens in January


Team Bass Tournament


Event Sponsor

General Information


SITE: Weigand Marina, Lewis and Clark Lake, Crofton, NE – View Map

COMPETITION FORMAT: Each boat consists of a two – person team. Each boat is permitted to score their five largest bass. This will be a live weigh in. Length limit is 12″, short fish will not be counted and will result in a one pound penalty, dead fish (each) will result in an eight ounce penalty.  All state and local fishing regulations must be followed. Medals and payouts will be based on the converted weight of the total catch. Medals and payouts will go to the top three teams as well as the biggest bass.

AWARDS: Custom Cornhusker State Games gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to each team member of the top three teams. A special payout for largest bass will also be awarded.

PRE-TOURNAMENT PRACTICE: There are no restrictions for practicing for this tournament. All anglers are required to be off of the water at sunset the night before the tournament.

BOAT LIMIT: The tournament will be limited to the first 50 teams registered.

EQUIPMENT: Measure boards will be checked at boat inspections prior to launch.


July 13
Check-in – 5 a.m.

Rules meeting – 5:45 a.m.
Boat launch – 6 a.m.
Tournament weigh-in – 1 p.m.

Registration check-in and weigh-in will take place at the boat ramp.


RULE CHANGES: These rules shall remain in effect and unchanged throughout the current tournament year unless specifically superseded by state or local law. Interpretation and enforcement of these rules shall be left exclusively to the tournament director.

PARTICIPATION/ELIGIBILITY: At least one team member must be 18 years of age or older to participate, however, if both members of a team are under the age of eighteen, then they must present written permission from a parent or legal guardian

SAFETY: Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times while and all boats must have a full complement of safety gear as required by USCG regulation. Tournament days may be shortened or canceled due to unsafe weather or any conditions that would endanger the safety of the competitors. The decision to shorten or cancel tournament days will be determined by the Tournament Director.

ALCOHOL/DRUGS: Participants will refrain from the use of alcohol and or drugs during the course of the tournament event. This prohibition does not extend to the use of prescribed medications for ongoing medical issues.

BOATS AND MOTORS: Motors may not exceed the horsepower rating on the BIA plate for those boats meeting BIA standards, nor any manufacturer’s plate affixed in lieu of BIA ratings.

SPORTSMANSHIP: Participants are expected to follow the highest standards of courtesy, safety, angling etiquette and a strict adherence to game and fish laws.

TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT: All fish must be caught alive and in a conventional sporting manner. Intentionally snagging fish is not permitted. Communication devices such as cell phones, marine radios or CB’s may be used for emergency purposes only. Measure boards will be checked at boat inspections prior to launch. Nets are allowed.  Only one rod may be used at a time. Only artificial lures may be used, live and or prepared bait is not allowed, the only exception being “pork rinds” or its equivalent. Trolling as method of fishing with the aide of the internal combustion or electric trolling motor is not permitted.

POLYGRAPH: Anyone participating may be subject to a polygraph exam and or voice stress analysis if requested by the tournament officials. Examiner’s decision must be accepted without appeal. Entrants understand that the failure of such test or refusal to take the test will disqualify them from the tournament.

PERMITTED FISHING WATERS: All angling activities must be done from a previously inspected boat. No fishing will be allowed within 50-yards of another competitor’s boat which was first anchored or tied, with its trolling motor stowed out of the water, without the anchored boats permission. An anchored boat is a boat held in a stable position by a line attached to a weight or by a Power-Pole with the trolling motor in the up position. Absolutely no hole-setting or holding of a fishing spot, this will not be tolerated. Competitors may not exit their boat in order to facilitate access to “other” waters. Tournament directors will determine, and announce, all off-limit areas.

OFF-LIMITS: Tournament waters are off limits from 12:01am TBD until the launch of the tournament. No angler is permitted to be on the water for any reason during off limits period.

NO-WAKE: Boats will not pass another’s competitors boat in any no-wake zones at any time during tournament hours except for boats that may be changing course within the zone, boats which have stopped or are engaged in fishing activities

OFFICIAL CHECKPOINTS: Teams must depart and return from a specified point by boat unless otherwise noted. Teams arriving late will be disqualified. In case of an emergency (I.E. Motor Failed) a team member may ride back in another boat. All fishing must cease upon checking in, disqualification will result for fishing after checking in.

SCORING: Teams will bring their largest five black bass to be weighed in. Placing will be determined by total weight. Length limit is 12″, any fish under 12″ will not be counted in the teams bag and that team will receive a 1 pound penalty from their total bag. Dead fish will result in an 8 ounce penalty (each) from the team’s bag. In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will go to the team with the largest big bass. All teams are due in at 1 p.m. Late teams will be penalized 1 pound/minute late. 

FISH RELEASE: All fish are to be released immediately after they have been weighed in. 

Anglers will work together to measure, photograph & release their fish. The procedures shall be as follows:

  1. One angler holds fish on the official measure board. The belly of the fish will face the angler. The nose of the fish must touch the bump plate to the LEFT, the tail is extended back to its maximum length on the right end of the board.
  2. The anglers agree on the length of the fish to 1/4th inch accuracy. If the tail fin crosses the 1/4” mark, the official length may be rounded up to the next 1/4″. The minimum scoring length is 12”. An 11 3/4” fish cannot round up to 12” the fish would have to measure 12” before it can be scored. Example fish photos and measurements will be provided and discussed at the pre-launch meeting.
  3. While the fish is being held on the board by an angler the other angler takes a photo of the entire fish on the board. A control item will also be included in the photo.  This official photo must clearly show the nose of the fish against the board and the length measurements at the tail.  Photos of just the tail will not be considered.
  4. Prior to releasing a second photo is taken of the fish being held up by either angler. This may be the photo displayed at the weigh-in ceremony.
  5. The fish is immediately released by the angler holding the fish.
  6. Be sure to record the length on the Official Scorecard.
  7. If two fish are caught at the same time one fish at a time must be measured, photographed, and released as quickly as possible before processing the second fish. NO fish are to be placed in the livewell.

FISH RELEASE: All fish caught must be released in a timely manner. Failing to release your fish will result in an automatic disqualification. Placing fish in a livewell will not be permitted.

TIES: In the event of a tie at the event, big fish will be the deciding factor.  In the event that big fish and total weight are the same for two or more teams then the average weigh per fish for each team will break the tie.  In cases of a big fish tie, then the In the event that big fish and total weight are the same for two or more teams then the average weigh per fish for each team will break the tie.  In the event that we still have a tie the money will be split.

PROTESTS/DISQUALIFICATION: Directors must be notified of all protest before close of scales. Protests also, must be submitted in writing within 10 minutes of the closing of the scales. A “protest committee” consisting of three (3) fellow anglers, randomly drawn by the tournament director will address all protests.

SCHEDULING NOTE: It is Nebraska Sports Council policy to not release team or divisional information until after the entry deadline. With teams waiting until on or near the deadline to enter, releasing data prior to that day does not provide an accurate picture of the tournament field and serves only to discourage those taking a wait-and-see approach.

All teams are encouraged to take advantage of the early entry discount and enter prior to that deadline, which in turn generates additional interest as teams attract one another. In the rare event that a division does not supply enough teams to warrant a viable tournament, teams will be given the option to move to another division, or be issued a refund. We appreciate the understanding of coaches and parents on this matter and would encourage teams to enter early and trust that there will be adequate competition in all divisions.

Further Information

Sport Specific Questions: Contact Team Bass Director Hunter Suchsland at turkeyhunter.hs3@gmail.com

Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Cornhusker State Games office at 402-471-2544 or info@nebraskasportscouncil.com.


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Phone: 402-471-2544

Mailing address: 
PO Box 29366
Lincoln, NE 68529

Shipping address:
7620 N 70th
Lincoln, NE 68517