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General Information
DATES: July 13, 2025
SITE: Pawnee Park, Columbus, NE
TIMES: Doubles competition begins at 10 a.m.
Singles will follow at 1 p.m.
AWARDS: Custom Cornhusker State Games gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each division.
QUALIFYING: Use 2023 state or club ringer percentage. All others pitchers record the number of ringers out of 50.
Event Name
Singles – 40’ Distance
49% & Over
Singles – 30’ (Women & Seniors)
46% & Over
Singles – 30’ (Junior Boys & Girls)
Novice 0-10%
Open 11% & Over
***Combined ringer % of both players
Handicapping IF used shall be determined by Tournament Director/Using NHPA guidelines
Competition Format and Rules
RULES: National Horseshoe Pitchers Association rules will apply, with the exception of some Cornhusker State Games modified rules based on entry numbers.
FORMAT: The 30’ divisions are limited to pitchers who normally pitch using a 30’ distance. All games in the 30’ divisions will be 40 shoes. Handicapping events will be optional at the discretion of the tournament director, depending on the range of ringer percentages.
SINGLES: 6-8 entries per class, competing in a round-robin tournament as two groups of eight or nine. This format may be adjusted according to the number of entries and time schedule. Scoring will be 40-shoe or 50-shoe games. During round-robin play, ties will remain ties (1/2 point each).
DOUBLES: Doubles is limited to 48 teams, which will be placed into eight groups consisting of a maximum of six teams in each group. Combine the team players’ total ringer percentage for placement in the round robin tournament. Competitors will pitch 50-shoe games. In doubles events, only team ringer percentages will be kept.
TIES: First place ties will be settled by ladder playoffs. Other ties in standings will be settled by ringer percentage.
Registration Fees & Deadlines
Exciting News for 2025! Exclusive Online Apparel Store!
- Purchase official gear for the 2025 Cornhusker State Games via the online apparel shop HERE.
- All apparel will be shipped directly to you, so you can rock your official gear in style!
- No packet pickup required – competition info and items will be available onsite or online with details sent straight to your inbox.
Get ready to gear up and represent the 2025 Cornhusker State Games!
$15 for first event until February 19
$20 for first event until April 23
$25 for first event until FINAL DEADLINE on July 2
Additional events – $7
ONLINE REGISTRATION NOTE: If registering for a doubles event, the participant must still select “Myself” or “Another Participant” (NOT “Team”) on the first step of the registration process. The participant will be asked to list the doubles partner’s name. Entering their name DOES NOT register them for the event. Each participant must register themselves, or the participant can register their doubles partner by selecting “Another Participant” on the first step of the registration process.
ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Competition and Summer Fun Freebies (coming soon) courtesy of our sponsors.
PAPER ENTRY FORMS: Paper entry forms will be accepted with a $5 processing fee. Registering online saves time, money and trees.
Further Information
Sport Specific Questions: Contact Director Rex Robison at 402-910-6578 or robisonmachine@gmail.com.
Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Cornhusker State Games office at 402-471-2544 or info@nebraskasportscouncil.com.
Phone: 402-471-2544
Mailing address:
PO Box 29366
Lincoln, NE 68529
Shipping address:
7620 N 70th
Lincoln, NE 68517