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General Information
DATE: Sunday, July 6, 2025
SITES: Turpin Outdoor Education Center (4703 N 44th St, Lincoln)
8 a.m. – BB Gun, Sporter & Precision 3-P Air Rifle, Precision Standing Air Rifle, & Air Pistol
9 a.m. – BB Gun
10 a.m. – BB Gun, Sporter & Precision 3-P Air Rifle, Precision Standing Air Rifle, & Air Pistol
11 a.m. – BB Gun
Noon – BB Gun, Sporter & Precision 3-P Air Rifle, Precision Standing Air Rifle, & Air Pistol
RULES: An athlete’s Division for all Events will be determined by their age on date of competition (July 6, 2025). The rulebooks listed below govern each Event, except where superseded by information on the Cornhusker State Games BB Gun & Air Rifle/Pistol sport page.
Only safe gun handling is accepted. Sport Director’s decisions are final. Any unsafe behavior by shooters or spectators will not be tolerated.
All air guns must be in safe working order and are subject to inspection. Ammunition, safety glasses, and other equipment are also subject to inspection. Eye protection is required.
BB Gun Events: NRA BB Gun Rules (https://competitions.nra.org/competition-resources/rule-books/)
Air Rifle Events: National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules (https://thecmp.org/youth/air/national-standard-three-position-air-rifle-rules/)
Air Pistol Events: USA Shooting Progressive Position Pistol Rules will govern the Basic Supported and Standing Supported Divisions (https://usashooting.org/app/uploads/2023/07/PPP_Rules_rev_12Oct11.pdf). International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) Pistol Rules will govern all One-handed [International] Divisions (https://www.issf-sports.org/rules/pistol).
AWARDS: Custom Cornhusker State Games gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each division.
NOTE: Specific shooting times will be posted at CornhuskerStateGames.com and emailed to participants the week of competition.
Event Name
BB Gun Prone
9 & Under
10-12 Years
13-15 Years
BB Gun 4-Position
9 & Under
10-12 Years
13-15 Years
Sporter 3-P Air Rifle
12 & Under
13-15 Years
16-20 Years
21-49 Years
50-59 Years
60 & Over
Precision 3-P Air Rifle
Precision Standing Air Rifle
12 & Under
13-15 Years
16-20 Years
21-49 Years
50-59 Years
60 & Over
Sporter Standing Air Rifle
Air Pistol
Athletes who are eligible for multiple Divisions based on age should select their Division based on their preferred support style.
13 & Under – Basic Supported
10-15 Years – Standing Supported
14-20 Years – One-handed
21-49 Years – One-handed
50-59 Years – One-handed
60 & Over – One-handed
Competition Format
No athlete equipment (such as air guns, BBs/pellets, mats, or kneeling rolls) is provided. Please contact the Sport Director for clarification if needed.
BB Gun Prone: Event is 40 record shots on AR-4/10 paper bullseye targets shot at 5 meters (16.4 feet) in the prone position with a smoothbore BB gun using metallic sights. There will be 10 record shots with unlimited sighters in 10-minute time limit on each of the 4 targets.
BB Gun 4-Position: Event is 40 record shots on AR-4/10 paper bullseye targets shot at 5 meters (16.4 feet) with a smoothbore BB gun using metallic sights. There will be 10 record shots with unlimited sighters in 10-minute time limit in each of the 4 positions: prone, standing, kneeling, and sitting.
Sporter 3-P Air Rifle: Event is 60 record shots on AR-5/10 paper bullseye targets shot at 10 meters (32.8 feet) with a sporter air rifle and equipment as defined by rule 4.1.1 in the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules. There will be 20 record shots with separately timed sighters in each of the 3 positions: kneeling, prone, and standing.
Precision 3-P Air Rifle: Event is 60 record shots on AR-5/10 paper bullseye targets shot at 10 meters (32.8 feet) with a precision (or sporter) air rifle and equipment as defined by rule 4.1.3 in the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules. There will be 20 record shots with separately timed sighters in each of the 3 positions: kneeling, prone, and standing.
Precision Standing Air Rifle: Event is 40 record shots on AR-5/10 paper bullseye targets shot at 10 meters (32.8 feet) in the standing position with a precision (or sporter) air rifle and equipment as defined by rule 4.1.3 in the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules. There will be 20 record shots with separately timed sighters shot in 2 stages.
Sporter Standing Air Rifle: Event is 40 record shots on AR-5/10 paper bullseye targets shot at 10 meters (32.8 feet) in the standing position with Sporter air rifle and equipment as defined by rule 4.1.1 in the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules. There will be 20 record shots with separately timed sighters shots.
Air Pistol: Event is 40 record shots on B-40 paper bullseye targets shot at 10 meters (32.8 feet) in a position in accordance with the athlete’s Division. There will be a separate 15-minute preparation and sighter shot period.
13 & Under – Basic Supported Division: Athlete may be seated or standing, 1 or 2 hands on the grip. The grip (and hands) may be rested on a firm support or a counterbalanced T Stand. If a firm support is used, the shooter may rest any part of either or both hands and the butt of the pistol on the supporting material. If a T Stand is used, the support point may be anywhere between elbow and muzzle. The non-firing hand may provide support for the firing hand or the butt of the pistol.
10-15 Years – Standing Supported Division: Athlete must stand, 1 hand on the grip, supported by a T Stand or similar counterbalance stand that provides support between elbow and muzzle. The competitor’s shooting arm must be fully extended, with the sights at eye level.
One-handed [International] Divisions: The athlete must stand free, without any artificial or other support, with both feet and/or shoes completely within the firing point. The pistol must be held and fired with one (1) hand only. The wrist must be visibly free of support.
Registration Fees & Deadlines
Exciting News for 2025! Exclusive Online Apparel Store!
- Purchase official gear for the 2025 Cornhusker State Games via the online apparel shop HERE.
- All apparel will be shipped directly to you, so you can rock your official gear in style!
- No packet pickup required – competition info and items will be available onsite or online with details sent straight to your inbox.
Get ready to gear up and represent the 2025 Cornhusker State Games!
$20 for first event until February 19
$25 for first event until April 23
$30 for first event until FINAL DEADLINE on July 2
Additional events – $9
ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Competition and Summer Fun Freebies (coming soon) courtesy of our sponsors.
PAPER ENTRY FORMS: Paper entry forms will be accepted with a $5 processing fee. Registering online saves time, money and trees.
Further Information
Sport Specific Questions: Contact Sport Director Mike Jochum at (402) 984-1988 or mikej10X@diodecom.net.
Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Cornhusker State Games office at 402-471-2544 or info@nebraskasportscouncil.com.
Phone: 402-471-2544
Mailing address:
PO Box 29366
Lincoln, NE 68529
Shipping address:
7620 N 70th
Lincoln, NE 68517