2025 Registration is Now Open!


Track & Field


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General Information

DATE: July 12, 2025

SITE: Lincoln High (2229 J. Street, Lincoln) 

RULES: This meet is sanctioned by USA Track & Field*. USATF rules will apply. Maximum 1/4” spikes allowed.
*Do not have to have USATF Membership to compete.

ADMISSION: Admission will be charged daily at Track & Field.
Adults: $5
Students (6-18 Years): $2
Children (5 & Younger): FREE
*Registered athletes will not be charged, but will be marked.

AWARDS: Custom Cornhusker State Games gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each event. Commemorative medals to all athletes that compete in 3-4 year old and 5-6 year divisions. Commemorative medal to all family participants in Family relay.

Medals will be awarded in the Block House.  NOTE:  Only the athlete and TWO spectators will be allowed in the Block House.  Other spectators must meet the athlete at the Photo Backdrop area.

NOTE: Age as of July 12th, 2025.

VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are needed for the Cornhusker State Games Track & Field event. Those interested should contact volunteer coordinator Kevin James at kjames@lps.org. All volunteers will receive a Cornhusker State Games volunteer shirt and a free lunch on Saturday at the event.

THE MORRISON FAMILY AWARD. In February of 2018, long-time Cornhusker State Games Track and Field Director Steve Morrison passed away. He was instrumental in building the meet to what it is today with a strong emphasis on family involvement. Before his passing, he had a vision to add a Family Relay Race (4×100) to the event list for 2018. The Family Relay Race can include any age and any gender. It is an exhibition event. This relay does not count toward each athlete’s maximum event count. Every relay member must be a family member and be registered in the system. All registered athletes are eligible. All participants in the Family Relay Race will receive a commemorative medal. In addition, the overall fastest relay team will win MORRISON FAMILY AWARD BATON.

The schedule of events in the Complete Event Details is an approximate time based upon participation registered numbers. A FINAL schedule and heat sheet will be posted and emailed to participants the week of competition by Wednesday, July 9th.  Please check the Website before calling the Sport Director.

NOTE: During session 1, events can run up to 30 minutes ahead of schedule, so please plan to be there at least an HOUR before your race. Session 2 is set to start at 1 p.m. and will be a rolling schedule; therefore, times are approximate only.

The Cornhusker State Games Track & Field Meet runs from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The meet is usually hot, and recruiting volunteers for three sessions is very difficult. So, to enjoy the meet more and make it more entertaining for participants and spectators, please note our updated time format for 2025.

Due to the historically small number of competitors entered in the hurdle events, as well as the time, effort, and other resources spent on contesting the hurdle events, meet directors may use their discretion to remove hurdle events from this meet in future years.

POLE VAULT: Pole Vault will be contested at TBD the day of the track meet. See time schedule below


Complete Event Details


NOTE: During session 1, track events may run up to 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Session 2 track events are set to start at 1 p.m. and will be a rolling schedule; therefore, times are approximate only. 

MAX EVENTS: A maximum of four (4) events per participant. Participants who register for more than the maximum allowed will be subject to disqualification in the event(s) that takes them over the maximum.


Fully electronic timing will be utilized in the meet. All races will be against time, and there will be no preliminary heats. However, meet directors would like to get the fastest runners in the same section. Please enter a legitimate time for seeding purposes during registration.


Track events take priority over field events. Athletes who need to check in for a track event must let the field event judge know. Athletes have until last call to check into the running events, and should make arrangements to jump early or late. COMMUNICATION IS THE BEST.

Javelin will be contested at the Lincoln High baseball field. 

Participants can provide their own shot and discus but the Cornhusker State Games will have them available on-site for those who do not bring their own. May be subject to weights and measures.

You may use your implement if approved by weights and measures. Once approved, your implement must be part of a pool of implements that may be used by all athletes.

Three throws and three jumps. No finals.


4×100 Relays are split into four divisions. Women 49 & Under, Women 50 & Over, Male 49 & Under, and Male 50 Over. All four runners must meet the age requirements in the Male and Female divisions. The relay counts as one event.

Relay Online Registration Note: If registering for a relay event online, runners must register as an individual, not a team. The participant will be asked to list the names of the other runners on the relay team. This DOES NOT register the other runners for the event, it simply lets the sport director know who is on each relay team. Each relay member must register themselves for the event.

BIB NUMBERS–Bib Numbers are no longer used in the event. When you arrive you go directly to your field event site if that is first or proceed to Hip Number tent to pick up a hip number for your first racing event. Please allow 45 minutes to an hour to warm-up and get your hip number. The hip number tent will be in the Southeast corner of the track. No event registration at the meet is allowed and no packet pickup will be allowed at the meet.

Registration Fees & Deadlines

Exciting News for 2025! Exclusive Online Apparel Store!

  • Purchase official gear for the 2025 Cornhusker State Games via the online apparel shop HERE.
  • All apparel will be shipped directly to you, so you can rock your official gear in style!
  • No packet pickup required – competition info and items will be available onsite or online with details sent straight to your inbox.

Get ready to gear up and represent the 2025 Cornhusker State Games!

$27 for first event until February 19
$32 for first event until April 23
$37 for first event until FINAL DEADLINE on July 2

Additional events – $6

ENTRY FEE INCLUDES:  Competition and Summer Fun Freebies (coming soon) courtesy of our sponsors.

PAPER ENTRY FORMS: Paper entry forms will be accepted with a $5 processing fee. Registering online saves time, money and trees.

Further Information

Sport Specific Questions: Contact Track & Field Director Brad Rettig at bradrettig@outlook.com

Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Cornhusker State Games office at 402-471-2544 or info@nebraskasportscouncil.com.

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Phone: 402-471-2544

Mailing address: 
PO Box 29366
Lincoln, NE 68529

Shipping address:
7620 N 70th
Lincoln, NE 68517